
Subhanallah! Budak Berusia Setahun Sudah Mengandung

Seorang budak berstatus bayi kecil telah menggemparkan dunia perubatan di negara Arab. Budak tersebut telah dianalisis dan didapati terdapat satu objek seperti bayi dalam kandungan dalam perutnya.
Awalnya saya sangat tidak percaya dan saya menganggap ini spekulasi, tetapi setelah melihat hasil analisa pasukan doktor lengkap dengan gambar – gambar budak pelik dan kandungannya, seperti sukar untuk tidak dipercayai. Ini benar – benar fakta unik dan misteri kehidupan.
Budak berusia satu tahun ditemui hamil di Arab Saudi. Doktor mengatakan ini kes yang unik bagi dunia ini. Laporan Ilmu Perubatan mengatakan: ” Apabila ibu kanak-kanak ini hamil, dia mempunyai 2 janin dalam dirinya. Tapi salah satu janin tumbuh di dalam yang lain, inilah mengapa gadis ini lahir dengan janin dalam rahimnya. Pasukan Doktor Arab memastikan ini boleh saja terjadi dari sudut perubatan. Mari kita lihat gambar budak pelik setahun yang mengandung.

✿*~ kalau suka N3 jangan lupa tekan 'like' ye ...terima kasih ~*✿


Unknown said...

email atimuda@gmail
ada bende nak tanya..TQ

Sari said...

nak tanya apa encik.....

UMMI YL said...

ada cr gak info...

#REPOST (GOD had NOTHING to do with this. nature does what it wants)
Dr. C May 12th, 2010 at 02:51

This child is NOT pregnant. The term ‘pregnant’ is just used to describe this condition in layman’s terms since her DEAD parasitic twin somehow developed inside of her uterus. The surgery used to remove the deceased twin will NOT be an abortion, rather just the removal of a tumor-like object that just so happens to be a FORMER living fetus. Although this condition is not common, it has happened many times before. In all cases that I have discovered, there is NO chance of the parasitic twin’s survival, and a large chance of the living twin’s death if the parasite is not removed. If the parasitic twin is removed promptly, or before it grows, much like a tumor, the living twin had a great chance of survival.

I AM a doctor, and I HAVE seen this before, and personally twice treated the living twins, both of which were males.

This is a sad but true incidence. Just remember, the child is NOT pregnant, and in most cases is incapable of becoming pregnant; this even happens to males. For more information on this condition, do some research on ‘Fetus in Fetu’ before jumping to conclusions on this subject.

To sum this up…

1. The child is NOT pregnant, rather carrying her underdeveloped twin
2. The underdeveloped twin is a PARASITIC TWIN
3. Parasitic twins are very similar to tumors in many cases, this one just happens to be located in the twin’s uterus
4. The parasitic twin has NO chance of survival in this case
5. The living twin has a low chance of survival in this case if the parasitic twin is NOT removed quickly, and a high chance of survival if it IS removed before further growth of the parasitic twin
6. There ARE cases where parasitic twins are born alive, but in this case, the parasitic twin WAS NOT.
7. Don’t jump to conclusions on the morality of this situation until to research this particular story further, and you have more information on ‘Fetus in Fetu’ and ‘Parasitic Twins’

Thanks for reading; hopefully the readers of this have gained some insight on this topic.

-Dr. ‘C’, emergency surgeon near Baltimore, MD


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