Banyak blog melaporkan gambar ini merupakan batu di sebuah tasik di Burma. Imej ini hanya boleh dilihat pada masa-masa tertentu dalam setahun dan terhasil akibat dari pantulan cahaya matahari dari sudut tertentu. Jika ingin melihat bayangan imej yg terhasil kita perlu sengetkan kepala ke kiri....haha....adoiiii.....sakit leher ye...tak pe kat bwh ada lagi gambar.

wowwww....... menakjubkan kan...... apa yang anda nampak? Tentulah anda nampak ibu dan anak berdoa.
Tentu anda terkagumkan melihat imej yang terhasil ni kan. Ini betul-betul Amazing Rock!!!
"Nature is great and we all need to respect and protect it"
Cerita sebenar disebalik imej ini ialah:-
Gambar di atas hanyalah di ambil dari buku cerita kanak-kanak.
Seni yang mengkagumkan ini telah sebenarnya dicipta oleh Kim Jae-hong untuk buku kanak-kanak yang dinamakan "Kanak-kanak Sungai Timur"
The book itself (Children of the East River) and it describes:
Two Children (Soon-Ee and Dong-Ee) play on a riverbank while waiting for the return of their mother, who has gone to town to sell beans and other harvested goods. The children ask a big bird and a bear cub when their mother is coming back and play with imaginary animals while awaiting her return.
The author incorporates nature (the forest and the river) into his illustrations to reveal the hidden beauty of nature. If the reader looks at the pictures carefully, he can see that the author has used shadows in the water and its surroundings to show the imaginary animals in the book.
A photo from an interior page of the book presents the illustration in context:

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